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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
December 11, 2012

Present:  George Collins, Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, John Godin, Colleen Honan, Bill McCarthy,  Mark Principi, Martha Robilotti,  Michelle Rosenthal,  Peter Stern , John Trentacosta, Janet Woycik, and Beryl Harrison

Absent: John Benson, Dan Cruson, Carolyn Faxon, Mary Kelley, Jennifer Reilly, Moira Rodgers, Paul Sirois

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Martha Robilloti, President

Consideration of Minutes: Tom D’Agostino moved to accept the minutes of the November meeting.  Mark Principi seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.
Public Participation: None

President’s Announcements: None

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer, presented a packet of financial reports including:
  • Statement of Income and Expense
  • Funds Provided by the Friends Statement of Revenue and Disbursements
  • 1st Draft of Budget 2013-14
Committee Reports:

Policies and Personnel:  None

Fund Raising: John Godin brought the Board up to date about  the Turkey Trot. Participation was about 1,200 - 1000 runners and about 200 walkers. (Up about 23% from last year.) The police are open to discussing upping the participants to possibly 1,500 next year. There is a need for more marketing next year – will look into possibly shutting down one lane on Main Street for 20-25 minutes. More volunteers needed.
Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D'Agostino discussed the heating and cooling systems & the sprinkler system.

Long Range Planning: None

Friends of the Library Liaison: Pete Stern reported that Christmas sale went well. There is still a need for more books.

Art Liaison: Winter and spring shows coming.

Historical Liaison: none

Nominating Committee: Colleen Honan nominated as chairperson. Looking at resumes to fill the vacant seat.

Old Business: none

Report of the Library Director: Janet Woycik discussed the holiday schedule.

John Trentacosta motioned to accept the Director’s proposed Holiday Hours for the Library, Mark Principi seconded, all in favor, motion passed.

Move to adjourn by John Trentacosta, seconded by Tom D’Agosino.  Approval was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 7:36 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Michelle Rosenthal
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees